TalkTalk offers great value fixed line broadband and voice telephony services with excellent features and benefits. They provide amazing broadband and TV packages such as Simply Broadband, Fibre Broadband, Essentials TV, broadband & calls and Plus TV, broadband & calls – all with great deals. Now offering 12 months half price Totally unlimited SimplyBroadband with up to 17Mb now £1.75 per month, 12 months half price Essentials TV with Unlimited Broadband, TV and Calls from £4.25 a month until 16th Nov, Christmas Smartphone Sale from £3.75 a month, Half price Fibre with Plus TV for only £14.25 a month for 6 months + £16.70 monthly line rental, Love2shop voucher offer plus loads of deals online.
Check out TalkTalk website for more details & all cheap broadband deals and avail the offers when you make online purchase as well as earn the following cashback – £24 on EssentialsTV or Plus TV for New and existing customer with existing line, £22.50 for SimplyBroadband Product, £20 on Fibre for new customer with existing or new line, £12.50 on EssentialsTV or Plus TV for New and existing customer with new line, £10 on Fibre with New and existing line for existing customer, £10 on PlusTV with existing line and existing customer, £7.50 on New Line for a SimplyBroadband Product and EssentialsTV Product and £5 on New Line for an Voice Product.
Filed under: Broadband, Special Offers