My Bag is selling the latest range of designer handbags at great prices with worldwide shipping. They stock Backpacks, Bucket Bags, Clutch Bags, Cosmetic Bags, Crossbody Bags, Leather Bags, Luggage & Travel Bags, Satchels, Shoulder Bags, Tote Bags, Hats, Scarves & Gloves, Jewellery & Watches, Lingerie & Nightwear, Phone & Tablet Cases, Purses, Sunglasses, Swimwear and Travel Accessories – all with big deals. Now offering 15% off your first order using code: NEWMB until 1st Jan 2017.
Check out My Bag website for all exclusive deals on designer bags & accessories and avail the discounts whenever you place your online order plus extra cashback, that is 1% until 29th Nov.
Filed under: Extra Cashback, Fashion, NHSCashback Site News, Special Offers