Scottish Friendly’s Money-Builder is a 15 year investment plan for people aged between 16 and 59, in which your premiums gradually increase each year for five years. Starting from £15 a month, it makes starting a regular savings and investment habit as painless as possible and gives you the chance to invest in treating yourself. When you decide how much to start with, remember the higher premiums and start with an amount with which you are comfortable. If you cash in within the first 2 years, you get nothing back. After the first 2 years, the payout may be lower than the amount you’ve paid in. In some circumstances, Scottish Friendly may have to apply a Market Value Reduction (MVR) when you close your MoneyBuilder, which could result in a smaller payout. Scottish Friendly deducts tax from the growth on your MoneyBuilder money so you won’t have tax to pay when your plan ends. Please note that tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and the levels and basis of taxation may change in the future. Start investing today and you’ll enjoy an increased rate of £55.00 cashback & a £25.00 gift voucher when you have paid a minimum of 5 monthly instalments into your plan. Please note that this rate will end on 22/04/12.
Filed under: Extra Cashback, Utilities